A Fan Page for the Port Covington area of South Baltimore
NB: The following narrative is from the Internet Archive and represents the “About” page for the original Port Covington website – as it appeared over a decade ago.
PortCovington.com: is a “fan page” for Port Covington, the geographic area located on the southern shore of the South Baltimore Peninsula, bounded by Westport Baltimore to the west and South Locust Point the Cruise Maryland Terminal to the east. Port Covington’s waterfront is on the Middle Branch of the Patapsco River, which provides deep water access to the Chesapeake Bay and the world beyond. This website nor it’s owner are in any way affiliated with the developers of the “new” Port Covington or the City of Baltimore.
As a former geography teacher, homeowner and resident of South Baltimore for well over three decades, it will be fascinating to see the forthcoming geographic and economic/commercial changes along the shores of the Middle Branch of the Patapsco River throughout the next decade. Changes currently underway in Port Covington will make a positive impact on the area. Port Covington is about to become one of the most impressive and important development projects along the entire East Coast. When full development plans are complete and approved the eventual impact on the entire City of Baltimore will be huge – and quite beneficial to the entire city of Baltimore.

An easy way to keep up-to-date on Port Covington news and “happenings” is to subscribe to the Daily News Digest for the South Baltimore Area. This is a daily set of curated article headlines from around the Internet and social media – delivered to your inbox is summary form. It (also) does NOT contain a raft of ads like so many other such services.
This website will attempt to share some of what we see happening. It will not be glitzy and fancy like the “official” corporate website (BuildPortCovington.com) but it will be a way for this ol’ teacher to keep notes – and share some of those notes with readers who manage to find Port Covington online.
Another objective of the webmaster is to help promote and/or publicize the growth and development of this section of the South Baltimore peninsula. “SOBO” or “SouthBmore” – as some people call it – has been our home for many, many years and we very much like to see great things happening in our community.
Yet another objective is for this website to generate some revenue. This will likely be accomplished by including some advertising and some affiliate links. If a visitor/reader clicks on an affiliate link and subsequently makes a purchase from that merchant we may earn a small commission on that sale.