Baltimore, Maryland and the surrounding metropolitan area have a variety of jobs in all industries, with health care, service, hospitality and high-tech being the leaders of the pack.
Looking for jobs in any city can be a challenging job in itself – and Baltimore and the greater metropolitan area are no exception. You’re not only competing with a large number of similar applicants, but you have no idea if they are more experienced compared to you; whether they know a peer who already works within the organization, or if they live nearby or are from out of town. The reality is that it can be overwhelming knowing that you’re up against a lot of different people. If you accidentally run into some of the other candidates when you are interviewing, meeting them can make your nervous feelings even stronger. Looking for Baltimore, Maryland jobs can be a tough thing to have to do, even more so if you are in the process of moving into the area and can’t start working right away.

Here are some ways that you can prepare yourself, and possibly give yourself a bit of an advantage while looking for your new job in the Baltimore area.
- Consider where the organization is located. Many cities, such as Baltimore, have reliable transportation systems, making [just about] every company available for your search search. If you live outside the city, in the greater metropolitan area, you may be required you to use a car, find a different form of transportation to get to work, or limit your job search. When you decide on companies which have an easy commute, your search for jobs in Baltimore will end up being more targeted – because you will have removed companies that are not accessible, making them not acceptable.
- Be careful about your using words in describing your experiences and accomplishments; use measurable numbers whenever possible. Saying things like, “I had doubled product sales is great,” however it will not be very powerful or as visual. Use percentages like, “I increased sales by 500% each quarter.” Rather than stating you oversaw a team of employees, try saying something similar to, “I managed a group of 8 people that worked together to improve efficiency by 80% each quarter.” Or, something like, “This was easily calculated as a result of our production numbers raising by 80% and our defects lessened by 18%.“
- Think of the size of a company and which is probably the best size for you. Not only does figuring out the size of the company you would like to work for enable you to slim down and target your hunt for jobs in Baltimore; but it will make it easier to have the capacity to target your resume to be more relevant to the jobs for which you are applying. Whenever you reside in any large city, you’ll find 1000’s of places to apply. By focusing on the places that you might be happiest, by size and location, you will save time by focusing on the businesses that are probably a better match for you.

Finding Employment in Baltimore can be a challenge, a real challenge. There are myriad organizations from which to pick and choose and, what seems like, countless job-seekers competing for the same position(s) as you. Doing certain things while seeking new employment you can create an “edge” for yourself. Make sure to have a resume targeted for the job to which you are submitting. Know that the company is the right size for you and if it is close enough to your house for a comfortable commute. Use “real” numbers that are relevant to the organization, position and person interviewing you. Preparing yourself properly will give you an advantage over and above other potential candidates when conducting a job search in Baltimore.