South Baltimore Peninsula real estate in the Federal Hill, South Bmore, Locust Point, Port Covington, Inner Harbor areas and beyond…

Baltimore’s past was built on industry: steel mills and automobile plants. Today, the future is being built by the high-tech, medical, financial and service sectors. Older industrial buildings and factories have become the premier Baltimore real estate addresses of the dot-com age. Turn-of-the-century (20th Century, that is) homes are being remodeled and made ready for the families and workforce of the digital generation.
Thinking about making your home or locating your business in Baltimore? Interested in Baltimore’s Federal Hill or Locust Point real estate, buying or leasing a house, condo, or business property in the Baltimore peninsula area: Inner Harbor, Federal Hill, Locust Point, Port Covington? Or, would you like to sell your house? Make sure to work with a Baltimore Realtor® with experience in our area. This truly is a great place to live, work and play.
With dynamic Baltimore Real Estate changes taking place, you now, more than ever, need a professional Realtor® with “the right” experience. Local real estate agents have expertise and many years of experience in the, ever-changing South Bmore Real Estate market.
What’s here, who’s here?
- South Baltimore Maps – Overall view of the area.
- Individual Baltimore Real Estate Agents – Realtors/real estate agents with experience in our community.
- Baltimore Real Estate Companies – Local & national companies w/ SoBo offices.
- Baltimore Real Estate Services – Mortgage, Financial, Title, Appraisal, Home Inspection, Insurance.
- South Bmore Apartment Rentals – There are many places in South Bmore to hang your hat, so to speak.
- Port Covington Real Estate – the southern shore of the South Baltimore peninsula (with a valuable internet property for sale).
Coming soon.
- New Construction – Dynamic South Bmore changes are based on new projects.
- – Does do-it-yourself really work?
- – A rental alternative, perhaps?
How SAFE is that Baltimore rehab home you are considering?

How much (if anything) has your real estate agent told you about any potential hazards of living in a 100-year-old structure? These are all things an experienced local Baltimore Real Estate Agent will be able to tell you.
- Is that property you are considering as a home for your family a total rebuild (probably not), a thorough rehab (most likely) or just covered with new surfaces (quite possibly)?
- (A) Has the plumbing been replaced ALL the way to the street or is the feed line still some 75+ year old (maybe) lead pipe?
- (B) 100 year old city homes (probably had damp basements at one time or another. Have joists been replaced or may they contain decades-old mold?
- (C) Is there still lead paint existing on “covered up” wood?
Valuable Domain Names are being offered For Sale., more real estate-related domains and other domains are for sale. Click here to see the list of domains. |