A brief look at the southern shore of the South Baltimore Peninsula.
About time, right?

The first iteration of the PortCovington.com website was recorded by the Internet Archive “Wayback Machine” on February 2, 2004, just over a week after the domain was registered. As near as we can tell, this was the first website solely about Port Covington and its role as a South Baltimore “neighborhood” among the myriad neighborhoods in the City of Baltimore and on the Baltimore peninsula south of the Inner Harbor.
The small bit of narrative was much as the “intro” to the site today. It reads: “In mid-2002, the world’s largest retailer, Wal-Mart, opened its first Baltimore City stores at Port Covington in the South Baltimore area. Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club are the first retailers to locate in the new Port Covington Shopping Center , a 60-acre, waterfront site on East Cromwell Street. Several hundred City jobs were created when the 142,000 square foot Wal-Mart and the 130,000 square foot Sam’s Club opened their doors. This strategically-located retail development at the site of a former City rail yard has come a long way – but has a long way yet to go. Watch for further development of this “newest” of waterfront destinations.”
Here is the original post: The First Port Covington Website
Here is the original “About” page: About PortCovington.com
Of course, big things are happening today. That can all be seen at the website for the development project – some call it Personal Computer City, based on the (strange) domain name they chose, PC.City or PortCovington.city. (Side Note: We can only imagine that the Intel Corporation loves that choice of domain name – the common understanding of “PC” is either Politically Correct or it means Personal Computer, aka PC. Because dot-com is still the defacto standard for serious commercial websites, tons of people will type in PC.com instead of PC.city.) (Side note #2: Don’t even get me started on email errors.)
So what’s in the future for PortCovington.com? One day, once the building out has reached a level where leases are in place and a thriving business and residential community exists – the site will be re-launched as a robust website for the Port Covington Community, then and now.