South Baltimore Peninsula Maps

SoBo, South Bmore, Federal Hill, Locust Point, Downtown, Inner Harbor, Riverside, Port Covington, more…

Looking for a real estate location of just getting around, try the Interactive Baltimore Map, powered by Google Maps®. Try the “Zoom” buttons ( [+] [] ) on the lower-right of the map and “drag” the map to move around the SouthBmore and/or Baltimore City neighborhoods. This can be quite helpful if you are looking for a new house or apartment in the South Baltimore real estate market.

We hope you enjoy your visit to Baltimore. Have fun.

(CLICK to view larger map.)

Note: the two maps below are simply illustrative maps of what the South Baltimore Peninsula encompasses.
Details of the South Baltimore peninsula – Baltimore Inner Harbor to Locust Point
sobo-south-bmore-peninsula map 2
South Baltimore’s location relative to greater Baltimore.

Port Covington Real Estate

The first online version of appeared over a decade ago.

Location, location, location – right?

Port Covington Real Estate Domain Header

The first iteration of a website with this domain,, was put online back on February 16, 2006. The domain, itself, was registered a year earlier in February, 2005. That makes this domain “very old” in Internet time. But the saying is – “Good things come to those who wait” – right? Web developers also understand that “old” domains get a boost in the search engines – so waiting is not a bad thing.

Once a railroad terminal, Port Covington is being redeveloped into a brand new, prime mixed-use city neighborhood on the waterfront in Baltimore, Maryland. In May 2019 ground was broken for the development of the Port Covington region of Baltimore, Maryland. This 230 +/- acre parcel is becoming a whole new section of Baltimore. It is, currently, the largest urban renewal project along the East Coast of the United States.

This website, Port Covington Real Estate, can be a point of information about the development of the area and what it may mean to future tenants and property owners. We are not, I repeat, we are not real estate agents, Realtors, real estate brokers or property investors or developers. What we are amounts to a local family happy to see positive growth in “our city” that has been so bereft with problems. If we can help point you in the direction of professional real estate services then so much the better.

The domain name, may be for sale. If you are interested in acquiring this valuable Internet property send an email to Bill (at) or leave a statement in the comments below.